
We will be staying at Anacapa Village. The rooms are a quad setting. Single bedrooms, every 2 bedrooms sharing a full bathroom. Every 4 bedrooms share a small dining table with chairs, a sofa and small kitchen with refrigerator, oven and microwave. The refrigerator does not have any ice trays. There are no kitchen appliances / utensils / cups or plates in the kitchen. Please pack your own if you plan on using them in your room. You will also need to pack a sponge and dish soap. The housing office has a limited number of pots and pans you can borrow, if you plan on making your own food. Please make sure to return them (clean) prior to your check-out. The common area in Anacapa Village and Santa Cruz village has a full operating kitchen that you can use to cook your meals. The rooms do not have an A/C unit.

You will have a linen package in your room which includes one fitted sheet, one flat sheet, one blanket, one pillow, one pillowcase, two bath towels, one wash towel and one hand towel. You can always pack extras if you think that is not enough. The closets do not have hangers. If for any reason you need a new linen package, you will need to take your existing linen package to the housing office, pay $30 and get a clean set. 

If your room card key is not working for any reason or you get locked out of your room, please contact the housing office for assistance (805)437-3333. You will also find the number in your welcome package


QR code (New this year)
To facilitate the check in process, we will be using QR codes.
You should have received a confirmation email for your camp registration. The email is coming from “Birankai North America”. The subject line says “Registration Confirmation To Birankai North America”. Please make sure to follow these steps to get your QR code:

  1. Open the email you received for your registration

  2. Click on the grey box saying "Signature Required: Sign Here"

  3. Sign the waiver page and click on Submit

  4. You will receive your QR code

  5. You can add it to your wallet

If you have any problems, don't worry we will be able to assist you at the time of your check in. 

Check in for camp attendees will start on Wednesday 6/25/25 at 2:00 pm. You will get your room card keys, welcome packet and maps. Check in will be in Anacapa Village Common Area. Please see it on the map. We will have signs to direct you from the parking or the street. 

  • If you have any food or medication allergies, please make sure to inform us at the time of check-in. 

  • If you arrive earlier than 2, you can come to the common area. It has a seating area for you to relax. 

  • For those who are arriving on Thursday or Friday. Please call or text to this number (503) 683-2454 ahead of time and let us know your approximate time of arrival.

  • If your room card key is not working for any reason, please contact the housing to get a replacement card. You will find the number in your welcome package.


The parking area assigned to our group for overnight parking is SH1. For commuters you can park in the parking lot next to the gym. All the A lots are for daytime parking with a parking permit. Parking regulations are enforced at all times; please note that there are NO "no-cite" days. A valid parking permit must be displayed on cars at all times. 

If you purchased a parking pass during registration, you will receive them at your check-in. Please make sure to display it on your dashboard.

If you did not purchase a permit during registration, but would like to purchase it now, it costs $3 a day, please let me know by 6/14/24. I am required to send the final parking permit list on 6/17/24. After that you can purchase your parking permit directly from the university for $6 per day. Please visit http://mycampuspermit.com/csuci.html.


The cafeteria is called Island's Cafe. The straight path to the cafeteria is through Santa Cruz village. Your room keys will open all the gates to Santa Cruz village.

If you have any food or medication allergies, please make sure to inform us at the time of check-in

Cafeteria hours are as follows:

  • Breakfast 8:00am to 9:00am

  • Lunch 12:15pm to 1:15pm

  • Dinner 6:00pm to 7:00pm

Youth under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a parent at all times in the cafeteria.


You will need a laundry card to operate the washer and dryer. There are automated machines in the laundry room. You can pay with your credit card to get a card. The cards can be refilled at the pay station or through an app (yes, there is an app for that 😉 ). 

There are laundry rooms in every building in the Anacapa village. You will also have access to the laundry rooms in the Santa Cruz village (across the street from Aancapa village).

Laundry pods are available for sale at the housing office. The housing office is located at room G150 in Santa Cruz village right across the street from Anacapa. You can also bring your own

What to Bring

Weapons:  Please bring your jyo, bokken and tanto. Make sure to mark them clearly with your name.

Extra set of gis: Please make sure you practice with a clean gi.

Zafu: Zafu availability is limited, if you plan on attending the morning zazen classes, please pack your own zafu.

Water Bottle:  There are water stations in our building and in the gym to get refills. Please make sure to stay hydrated. 

Hat, Sunglasses, and Sunscreen: Weapons classes are often outside in the sun.

BNA Passport: Mark your attendance at another great year of camp!

Swimming suit: If you plan to cool down in the pool or relax your muscles in the hot tub.

Soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste

Footwear: Figure out a way to mark your footwear in the gym. It is very easy to mix up shoes. . Make sure to pack flip flops or sandals

Miscellanenous: Hangars, sponge, dishsoap.


The gym is marked as ARO - Arroyo Hall on the map. It is located across the street on the north side of the Anacapa village. Please see the map attached.


Zazen classes will be held in the gym. Please see the location on the map. Zafu availability is limited. If you plan on attending zazen class in the morning, please bring your own zafu.

Camp Store

We will not have a camp store this year. You can pick up your camp T-shirt from the raffle room starting from Thursday 6/20/24.


Room A105 is the raffle room. You can see all the raffle items and purchase your raffle tickets. Remember the grand prize is a Free Full Camp for the upcoming year. Raffles sales help Birankai offer scholarships. Please show your support -- every dollar counts!

More Info

Even more useful information from CSUCI, including how to use the key card, laundry, WiFi, maps, and nearby points of interest. (Note: this is a ~20MB PDF file).

CSUCI Welcome Packet (PDF)

CSUCI Anacapa Village

Anacapa Apartment Layout



Living Room

Campus Map

Interactive map of the university - https://maps.csuci.edu/

Social Events

We will be having social events on Thursday and Friday nights in the Anacapa Common room. Details will be announced during camp. Please join us. Good times guaranteed!


Your check out will be through the housing office. The housing office is located at room G150 in Santa Cruz village right across the street from Anacapa. Your room keys will open the gates to SantaCruz village. Please see the location on the map.

Please note, you will need to leave your linen package in your room on the day of your checkout. You will need to return your room key to the housing office to complete your check out. If for any reason you won't be able to checkout yourself, please ask a friend or roommate to do so. 

Summer Camp depends on the efforts of many volunteers. No offer to help is too small.  A Volunteer Coordinator at camp will be able to steer you towards a way you can contribute. Thank you in advance!


Campus Policies

You can read the CSUCI alcohol policy here.